Global Security Headlines

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Not the Last China-Japan Clash
So, Japan made the correct move and finally released the Chinese captain who piloted a fishing trawler which allegedly rammed two Japanese patrol boats off the disputed Diaoyutai Islands (Senkaku in Japanese) earlier this month in the East China Sea.

The latest in a series of Sino-Japanese territorial disputes involves the island group claimed by both China and Taiwan, but is under Japanese control now.

Why is there the fuss over seemingly insignificant isles?


Asia's two largest economies are dueling over the natural resources needed to keep their economies humming.

In August, China passed Japan to become the world's second largest economy.

Not only China, but South Korea and Russia as well, have ongoing maritime spats with Japan.

Clashes over islands, or sometimes more accurately, rock piles, in Asian seas is not a new phenomenon.

Expect China to continue its global push for the energy supplies needed to sustain its meteoric climb to surpass the United States and become the world's number one economy.

Also expect more clashes as Beijing fills the strategic vacuum in Asia in light of waning US power and flexes its national power to achieve its rightful ranking in the international system.

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