Global Security Headlines

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

US Diplomacy in Tatters - Iran Wins Again

 " long as the dictatorships exist, war is inevitable, and that it may be better to have war now, when we have an issue that may be supposed to appeal to the whole world, rather than to put it off to some future date when our position may be more difficult and dangerous." -  Statement by Sir Samuel Hoare, Secretary of State for the Home Department, British House of Commons, October 3, 1938 after the Munich Pact

The difficult and dangerous time arrived this week for the United States when its Nato ally Turkey and supposed Latin American friend Brazil provided the Teheran Tyranny a fig leave to continue its drive for nuclear primacy in the Middle East.

As the Heritage Foundation´s blog, The Foundry, notes: "[The agreement] would only deflate the perceived urgency of imposing sanctions on Iran while allowing Tehran to advance its nuclear weapons program with impunity."

Thus, Iran will have nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them to Tel Aviv and Washington. It is astonishing that this is an acceptable toll for Washington to pay.

 The West has failed just as GSM forecast in its Net Assessment: Iran last year.

In the short run, the US Administration´s pusillanimous policy toward Iran, best qualified as "Sanctions or Bust," is at a dead end.

While headlines speak of Russia and China aboard, there is little chance enough UN Security Council members will vote for any sanctions given the Turkey nuclear fuel swap deal.

Some policy wonks actually believe in the Teheran Tyranny´s peaceful intentions. No, Ms. Slavin, Iran cannot deliver on a deal it reneged on before. 

Iran has no peaceful intentions. The Teheran Tyranny has not engaged in deceit, deception, and duplicity to just throw away an expensive public and hidden nuclear program. Terror, Inc. is not building longer-range ballistic missiles for a rainy day.

The rogue regime in Teheran is dead serious in continuing to inflict as much harm as possible against the Israel and the United States and their allies and interests. To believe otherwise is beyond naive.

As a young John F. Kennedy wrote before World War II after the failed Munich Pact:  "Appeasement was, therefore, as I have said, partly based on the mistaken belief that peace might be achieved by concession but it was also a realistic hard-headed policy of playing for time."

For freedom lovers worldwide, that time is nearly up. A nuclear Iran is a game-changer in the global security calculus.

As like Munich, paper-mache charades like the nuclear deal brokered by Turkey and Brazil with the Iranian dictatorship does not prevent war, but make it more certain. 

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