Global Security Headlines

Thursday, October 29, 2009

GSM Daily: Venezuela Merits Terrorist Listing

Add Venezuela to the US State Department list for state sponsors of terrorism. Hugo Chavez will be in good company with friends Cuba, Sudan, Syria, and Iran.

Venezuela provides material support for the narcoterrorist FARC in Colombia. Even before Colombia´s daring raid into Ecuador last March, which resulted in the death of the FARC #2 leader and a treasure trove of laptops, Caracas´collusion and coordination with FARC narcoterrorists were well-known.

Caracas also reportedly is a transhipment point for narcotics that funds FARC terrorism and possibly Chavez personally.

Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez hit the measure now before the US Congress: Chávez critica pedido de que Venezuela sea incluido en lista negra de EEUU - Venezuela -

..."¿Saben cuál es el primer país patrocinador del terrorismo? El gobierno de Estados Unidos...Maldito imperio, mil veces maldito, algún día terminarás y te hundirás.´´

...You know who this biggest supporter of terrorism? The United States...Damn empire, 1000 times worse, one day you will end and you will sink.´´

Venezuela merits listing on the terrorist list for its naked support of FARC narcoterrorists and deserves the attendant penalties despite being the fourth largest supplier of oil to the US.

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