Global Security Headlines

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Japón y EEUU, en alerta máxima por cohete de Corea del Norte |

Translation Courtesy: Buenos Aires Translator

Japón y EEUU, en alerta máxima por cohete de Corea del Norte |

Japan and US on maximum alert for North Korean Missile

Las dos potencias no están dispuestas a quedarse de brazos cruzados mientras Pyongyang se apresta a lanzar el supuesto cohete. Por eso, la primera movilizó dos buques militares capaces de interceptar misiles y la segunda alista otras dos naves destructoras. ¿Conflicto armado a la vista?

The two powers are not sitting with their arms crossed while Pyongyang readies to launch its reported rocket. In this regard, the former mobilized two missile interceptor vessles and the latter two naval destroyers. Is armed conflict near?

Corea del Norte anunció que lanzará un satélite de comunicaciones entre el 4 y el 8 de abril, pero las potencias regionales creen que será una prueba de su misil de largo alcance, el Taepodong-2, que ya estaría en la plataforma de lanzamiento en una base.

North Korea said it will launch a communications satellite between April 4 and 8, but the regional powers believe the long-range missile test of the Taepodong-2 could already be on a base launch pad.

Test of Wills, Credibility

ang insists in being first to challenge the young Obama administration in Washington.

The test of wills between the two capitals is more than an academic exercise for both US foes and friends alike. Japan, a stalwart Asian ally, now has Patriot missile batteries surrounding Tokyo just in case.

Given the untested president, US credibility not only in Asia but worldwide hangs in the balance the stakes are so high.

Media reports diffused in different languages communicate explicitly Washington and Tokyo's resolve to counter any Pyongyang chicanery.

US in Range

The Taepodong-2, a two or three-stage rocket with a range of over 4,000 miles, could hit Alaska while a US admiral also includes Hawaii, where President Obama spent his formative years.

While analysts at Global Security Monitor are certain Pyongyang is aware of the "red lines" set by Washington to what constitutes a "pull the ripcord" moment, it is not abundantly clear North Korea cares. credit: AFP

Given North Korea's technical difficulties with the Taepedong (the last test failed in 2006), a safer scenario for global security is another launch pad "accident."

While the immediate crisis would pass, the persistent problem of a starving hermit regime armed to the teeth across
from the DMZ menacing an important US ally, South Korea, and disturbing NE Asia peace, would remain in its wake.

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